Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Stir-fried curry noodles and sausages


  1. 2 packets (70 g) noodles
  2. 2 sachets (70 g) noodles spice
  3. 6 pieces sausages
  4. 3 pieces baby carrots (diced)
  5. 1 handful green beans (chopped)
  6. 3 pieces bonnet pepper (shredded)
  7. 1 medium sized bulb of onion
  8. 2 sachets curry powder
  9. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil


  1. Put the noodles in a bowl and add hot water to it, cover and allow to sit for 2mins, drain out the water and set aside.
  2. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a frying and add the chopped/diced vegetables, stir fry for about 10mins
  3. Add the noodles seasoning to it, also add the curry powder and stir to combine all ingredients together.
  4. Add up the soaked noodles to the veggies and stir until fully incorporated.
  5. Cover and allow to simmer for 3 mins....remove from heat and set aside
  6. Fry the sausages with vegetable oil until cooked. Serve the hot stir-fried curry noodles with the sausages.
  7. Your yummy stir fried noodles is ready for consumption. #100noodlesrecipecontest.

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