Thursday, October 4, 2018

Indomie and egg cuisine


  1. 2 packs (120 g) indomie noodles
  2. 4 PCs fresh eggs
  3. 4 tubers of medium sized carrots
  4. 1 handful green beans
  5. 1 medium sized green peper
  6. 2 table spoonful of vegetation oil
  7. 1 medium sized onion ball
  8. to taste Pepper


  1. Pour 50CL of water in a pot and boil
  2. Add the indomie spices first then add the indomie
  3. Stir after 3 mins and add chopped onion and pepper
  4. Leave it to Cook for 3-4 minutes and bring it down.
  5. Put a frying pan to heat for some seconds then add the vegetable oil and heat.
  6. Break two eggs into a container, add a pinch of salt and stir
  7. Cut all the vegetables to the desired sizes and shapes
  8. Pour the egg in the pan, spread the vegetables on the egg and press them down to soak into the egg.
  9. Turn the other side of it and allow to fry
  10. Then serve your indomie egg cuisine with the egg and add boiled eggs if you wish.

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